Add my code to my teammate's code using git branch
- Purpose
Add my code to my teammate's code.
- My teammate's code
- My code
- Add my code to my teammate's code.
- Step
1. git branch
(In order to merge to the master)
Create branch, default is main.
Once new branch created, it appears below main.
The one with * at the front is the currently selected branch.
% git branch recommend_item
% git branch
* main
2. switch to the branch
% git switch recommend_item
Switched to branch 'recommend_item'
Your branch is up to date with 'origin/recommend_item'.
3. clone
Clone my teammate's code.
Format example : git clone
4. add
Add my code.
5. commit
6. push
- Check occasionally the status, configure.
git status
git config --list
git config
git remote remove origin
ls -al
- Working Directory : the directory where my code is
- Staging Area : Space where files are gathered to commit after 'git add'
- Repository : Storage where commits are gathered
- Untracked : Compare with my working directory and git, files only in my working directory
- Unmodified : When file is newly added after 'git add'
- Modified : File modified after 'git add'
reference :