Naranjito 2024. 3. 14. 12:38
  • Kalman Filter



It works by a two-phase process having a prediction phase and an update phase.

- For the prediction phase, the Kalman filter produces estimates of the current state variables, along with their uncertainties.

- Once the outcome of the next measurement (necessarily corrupted with some error, including random noise) is observed, these estimates are updated using a weighted average, with more weight being given to estimates with greater certainty.

- The algorithm is recursive. It can operate in real time, using only the present input measurements and the state calculated previously and its uncertainty matrix; no additional past information is required.



  • If the motion model and the measurement model are linear.
  • If the motion model and the measurement model follow a Gaussian distribution.

  • Prediction phase

Predict the current state distribution.



- μ : Average of probability distribution

- σ : Distribution of of probability distribution

  • Update phase


Update posterior probability distribution.


- Example


1) Prior Belief


Prior Gaussian distribution


μ1 : Suppose that the robot was 20 meters away.

σ1 : Distribution


2) Current Belief


Updated Gaussian distribution


μ2 : The Sensor measured that the robot is 30 meters.

σ2 : Distribution


3) Updated Gaussian Probability Distribution