inheritance : class VS interface
2023. 2. 24. 00:50
- class
It can inherit to other class only one class.
The abstract class needs to use 'override'.
- interface
It can inherit to multiple class.
It does not need to use 'override'.
1. Create the abstract class(parents). (uncompleted method)
2. Create the interface. Using with 'I' in accordance with the custom. (uncompleted method)
3. Create the class(children) which is inherited 1,2.
# 1
abstract public class A : MonoBehaviour
abstract public void Abc();
# 2
interface Ipart
void Bbc();
# 3
public class part : A, Ipart
public override void Abc() //'override'is must from abstract class
public void Bbc() //interface class does not need to 'override'