Basic Python 49

update, islower, if in, abs, reverse, pprint, add, discard, union, intersection, symmetric_difference, issubset, issuperset, isdisjoint, enumerate

update It takes a key-value pair and puts into the existing dictionary. icecream = {'탱크보이': 1200, '폴라포': 1200, '빵빠레': 1800, '월드콘': 1500, '메로나': 1000} new_product = {'팥빙수':2700, '아맛나':1000} icecream.update(new_product) icecream >>> {'탱크보이': 1200, '폴라포': 1200, '빵빠레': 1800, '월드콘': 1500, '메로나': 1000, '팥빙수': 2700, '아맛나': 1000} islower Checks if all the characters in the text are in lower case. user_i..

Basic Python 2021.05.18

sep, end=, replace, upper, lower, isupper, islower, capitalize, insert, join, *(star expression), partition

sep Seperator, between the arguments to print() function. print('naver','kakao','samsung',sep=';') >>> naver;kakao;samsung print('naver','kakao','sk','samsung',sep='/') >>> naver/kakao/sk/samsung end= It can be put anything in end, then it will be following. '\n\ is the default. print("first",end=' ');print("second") >>> first second ; : Multiple command in one line. replace string.replace(old,n..

Basic Python 2021.05.08