Deep Learning

Bag of words(BoW), DTM, TDM, TF-IDF

Naranjito 2021. 3. 10. 17:03

  • Bag of words(BoW)


It is a way of extracting features from text, a representation of text that describes the occurrence of words within a document, for example, pour the sentence into the bag and shuffling the bag, any information about the order or structure of words in the bag is discarded. 


Review 1 : This movie is very scary and long

Review 2 : This movie is not scary and is slow

Review 3 : This movie is spooky and good

Reference :


  • DTM or TDM

Document-Term Matrix or Term-Document Matrix, is a mathematical matrix that describes the frequency of terms that occur in a collection of documents. This is a matrix where

- each row represents one document

- each column represents one term (word)

- each value (typically) contains the number of appearances of that term in that document

It is often stored as a sparse matrix or sparse vector that most of value is 0.


  • TF-IDF

Term Frequency-Inberse Document Frequency, is a technique to quantify a word in documents, we generally compute a weight to each word which signifies the importance of the word in the document and corpus.


1. TF

Term Frequency, measures the frequency of a word in a document. 


The numerator N is the number of times the term 't' appears in the document 'd'. 


Let's take the same vocabulary I had built above.


TF(‘movie’) = 1/8

TF(‘is’) = 2/8 = 1/4

TF(‘very’) = 0/8 = 0

TF(‘scary’) = 1/8

TF(‘and’) = 1/8

TF(‘long’) = 0/8 = 0

TF(‘not’) = 1/8

TF(‘slow’) = 1/8

TF( ‘spooky’) = 0/8 = 0

TF(‘good’) = 0/8 = 0


And now, let's calculate the term frequencies for all the terms and all the reviews.



2. IDF

Inverse Document Frequency, is how common or rare a word is in the entire document set. In other words, a measure of how important a term is. The closer it is to 0, the more common a word is. This metric can be calculated by taking the total number of documents, dividing it by the number of docments that contain a word. So, if the word is common and appears in many documents, this number will approach 0(log 1 is 0, in other words, numerator is same as denominator). Otherwise, it will approach 1.

d : Document

t : Term(word)

n : Total Number of documents


IDF(‘movie’, ) = log(3/1+3)


Hence, the words like “is”, “this”, “and”, etc., are reduced to 0 and have little importance, while words like “scary”, “long”, “good”, etc. are words with more importance and thus have a higher value.


Let's now calculate the TF-IDF score.

import pandas as pd
from math import log

docs=['This movie is very scary and long',
      'This movie is not scary and is slow',
      'This movie is spooky and good']

vocab=list(set(w for doc in docs for w in doc.split()))

def tf(t,d):
  return d.count(t)

def idf(t):
  for doc in docs:
    df+=t in doc
  return log(N/(1+df))

def tfidf(t,d):
  return tf(t,d)*idf(t)

for i in range(N):
  for j in range(len(vocab)):

print(pd.DataFrame(result, columns=vocab))
>>>   This  and  good  is  long  movie  not  scary  slow  spooky  very
0     1    1     0   2     1      1    0      1     0       0     1
1     1    1     0   3     0      1    1      1     1       0     0
2     1    1     1   2     0      1    0      0     0       1     0
[[1, 1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1], [1, 1, 0, 3, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0], [1, 1, 1, 2, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0]]

for j in range(len(vocab)):

pd.DataFrame(result, index=vocab, columns=['IDF'])
This	-0.287682
and	-0.287682
good	0.405465
is	-0.287682
long	0.405465
movie	-0.287682
not	0.405465
scary	0.000000
slow	0.405465
spooky	0.405465
very	0.405465

for i in range(N):
  for j in range(len(vocab)):
pd.DataFrame(result, columns=vocab)


  • Python  sklearn package
from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import TfidfVectorizer

corpus=['you know I want your love',
    'I like you',
    'what should I do ',]
>>>[[0.         0.46735098 0.         0.46735098 0.         0.46735098
  0.         0.35543247 0.46735098]
 [0.         0.         0.79596054 0.         0.         0.
  0.         0.60534851 0.        ]
 [0.57735027 0.         0.         0.         0.57735027 0.
  0.57735027 0.         0.        ]]
{'you': 7, 'know': 1, 'want': 5, 'your': 8, 'love': 3, 'like': 2, 'what': 6, 'should': 4, 'do': 0}