Deep Learning/CNN


Naranjito 2024. 1. 3. 20:26


  • ResNet


A 152-layer CNN architecture, which creates The Residual Blocks idea to address the issue of the vanishing/exploding gradient.


  • Residual Block

  • Plane layer


- Not add the input x

- y is Feature vector(Feature Map).

- y is the information newly learned through x.

- y is not preserve information when generate new information.

- The deeper the layers, too much mapping to learn at once.

  • Residual Block


- Add the input x after operation

- y preserves the previously learned information

- y is connecting the information learned in the previous layer to the output

- y allows each layer (Block) to learn only small information additionally(Reduce the amount of information each layer should learn). 

- by adding the previously learned x, only the remaining part (F(X)) except for x is learned, so that the amount of learning is relatively reduced.


  • Skip Connection




- As the amount of learning increases, x gradually approaches the output value H(x)

- and the additional amount of learning F(x) gradually decreases and finally converges to a minimum value close to zero.

- Skip Connection allows the input value(x) to be added to the output by skipping certain layers.


  • Residual of ResNet
H(x) - x


  • Bottleneck

To reduce the calculation time. To reduce the dimension and then increase the dimension at the end.