#Regular Expression
#yield from
#Sigmoid function
#batch size
#forward propagation
#global variable
#Step Function
#matrix multiplication
#stochastic gradient descent
#Focal Length
#anonymous function
#off policy
#on policy
#target policy
#behavior policy
#rodrigues rotation
#axis-angle rotation
#outer product
#tensor product
#unit vector
#unit vector vs vector
#lambertian reflection
#vector projection
#scalar projection
#vector inner dot product
#action value function
#greedy action
#skew coefficient
#principal point
#projection of points
#image plane
#epipolar plane
#3d transformations
#similarity transformation
#euclidean transformation
#rigid transformation
#2d transformations
#normalized image coordinate system
#pixel image coordinate system
#image coordinate system
#camera coordinate system
#world coordinate system
#central angle
#Linear combination of column vectors
#dot product of a vector
#Time Average
#Bernoulli Trials
#Chi squared
#Chi squared Distribution
#Velocity based Model
#Velocity-based Model
#Odometry based Model
#Odometry-based Model
#Correction Step
#Prediction Step
#Probability Function
#Least Mean Square
#Least Square Method
#Measurement Equation
#precision Recall Trade off
#precision Recall Trade-off
#Mean Average Precision
#Single-Stage Object Detector
#1-stage Object Detector
#One Stage Object Detection
#observation model
#motion model
#Bag Of Visual Words
#Soft NMS
#Non-maximum Suppression
#The authenticity of host can't be established.
#Host key verification failed.
#Could not read from remote repository.
#Skip Connection
#Optimal Policy
#log loss
#numpy.array axis
#Grayscale images
#color spaces
#ogrid VS mgrid
#str VS repr
#sort VS sorted
#Variance VS Bias
#bytes VS bytearray
#torsion bar
#spatial rigidity
#Sensor Selection Criteria
#Flash LiDAR
#Radar VS Lidar
#Vertical Shift
#Time of Flight
#Micro Electro-Mechanical System
#Inertial Measurement Unit
#Foucault pendulum
#Decibel milliwatts
#Received Signal Strength Indicator
#The Third Normal Form
#The Second Normal Form
#The First Normal Form
#Database Normalization
#Artificial key
#Composite key
#Alternate key
#Multivalued Attribute
#Weak Entity
#Strong Entity
#angular acceleration
#angular velocity
#Angular position
#Angular Motion
#Solid angle
#Plane angle
#Zero-order Hold Interpolation
#Open-loop System
#Negative Feedback Control System
#Closed-loop System
#PID controller
#Intersection over Union
#Latitude VS Longitude
#np.c_[] VS np.r_[]
#axis=0 VS axis=1
#super key
#image intensity
#docker run -p
#class VS interface
#delegate VS event
#State Equation
#model.eval VS model.train
#model.eval() VS model.train()
#contiguous vs non-contiguous
#view vs reshape
#Failed building wheel for pytorch
#ipynb to py
#Fourier Transform
#merge list
#chi-squared distribution
#text decoding
#text encoding
#Neural networks Emedding
#cublas needs some free memory when you initialize it
#. git
#white arrow on github folder
#discount factor
#Push files to github with Personal access tokens
#failed to push some refs to
#src refspec master does not match any
#pipe broken
#Candidate key
#ROI Align
#Bilinear Interpolation
#Hyperbolic tangent function
#ReLU function
#nvidia commands
#Multiple Logistic Regression
#Simple Logistic Regression
#Sørensen similarity
#Bag of words(BoW)
#conda update
#average precision
#docker-compose logs --follow
#docker-compose logs -f
#Ethernet Header
#binary cross entropy
#docker logs
#Docker environment
#OSI 7 Layers
#mkdir -p
#linear interpolation
#staging area
#phase shift
#homogeneous coordinates
#Residual block
#Diagonal matrix
#Transposed matrix
#Orthogonal matrix
#negative exponent
#rm -rf .
#working directory
#pip show
#pip freeze
#pip list
#pip search
#sudo gpasswd -a apl wheel
#adduser root
#su root
#ip addr show
#if in
#state value function
#Dot Product
#class inheritance
#You Only Look Once
#move folder
#fast rcnn
#faster rcnn
#"type": "phrase"
#Per-field boosting(^)
#bounding box regression
#Inverse Document Frequency
#Term Frequency
#Replica shard
#Primary shard
#Structure of Elasticsearch
#install elasticsearch on docker
#chmod +x
#Spatial Pyramid Pooling
#Layer Normalization
#Internal Covariate Shift
#Gradient Clipping
#Forward Propagation Computation
#Mini Batch Gradient Descent
#Batch Gradient
#Fully connected Neural Network
#Feed Forward Neural Network
#Multi-Layer Perceptron
#Single-Layer Perceptron
#Matrix Operation
#Objective function
#Multiple Linear Regression
#Simple Linear Regression
#Statistical Language Model
#Language Modeling
#Language Model
#Python Sorensen
#Sørensen index
#Jaccard index
#Python Jaro-Winkler
#Jaro-Winkler distance
#def main()
#from __future__
#Python Levenshtein
#Levenshtein distance
#sshm systemctl
#batch gradient descent
#info --envs
#histogram layout
#tree layout
#Selective Search
#Conditional Probability
#markov decision process
#Truncated SVD
#Identity Matrix
#docker volume
#region of interest
#square matrix
#One-Hot Encoding
#Inverse Matrix
#pip install
#Correlation Coefficient
#linear transformation
#softmax regression
#word embedding
#bag of words
#Jupyter lab
#jaro distance
#object detection
#faster r-cnn
#recurrent neural network
#cross entropy
#Softmax Function
#Cost function
#docker build
#Ultrasonic sensor
#jaccard similarity
#cosine similarity
#euclidean distance
#random variable
#Bellman equation
#cumulative distribution function
#Kalman Filter
#Unsupervised learning
#batch normalization
#weight initialization
#leaky ReLU
#activation function
#Chain rule
#loss function
#exhaustive search
#web crawling
#web scraping
#neural networks
#rm -r
#coordinate system
#Bayes' Theorem
#gimbal lock
#complex number
#Pull Request
#Git Branch
#poisson distribution
#probability distribution
#tcp header
#ip header
#supervised learning
#random process
#Temporal Difference
#binomial distribution
#Transfer Learning
#file download
#permission denied
#gradient descent
#logistic regression
#linear regression
#Standard Deviation
#Support Vector Machine
#Doppler effect
#file upload
#<br />
#Epipolar Geometry
#Camera Calibration
#affine transformation
#projective transformation
#Monte Carlo
#Mac Address
#Coriolis Force
#information hiding
#local variable
#null space
#degree of freedom
#Port Forwarding