
enter, update, exit

Naranjito 2020. 12. 28. 14:36

Following the previous post(2020/12/28 - [d3.js] - axis, ticks), let's applied enter.

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <script src="https://d3js.org/d3.v6.min.js"></script>




        var data = [10,20,30];

        var canvas = d3.select("body")
                    .attr("height", 500)//enter selection

        var circle1 = canvas.append("circle")
                        .attr("cx", 50)
                        .attr("cy", 100)
                        .attr("r", 25);//adding a circle manually, it isnt based on data

        var circle2 = canvas.append("circle")
                        .attr("cx", 50)
                        .attr("cy", 200)
                        .attr("r", 25);    

        var circles = canvas.selectAll("circle")//bind the circle to the data
                    .attr("fill","red") //circle1 and 2 belong to the update selection which means the number of data and dom is same
                    .enter()//enter selection is empty since there are no data elements that has not been successfully bound to existing doom elements
                        .attr("cx", 50)
                        .attr("cy", 50)
                        .attr("r", 25); //r : radius


doom is such as rectangles, circles.

enter() is when data is bigger than doom

update() is when data is same as doom

exit() is when doom is bigger than data


  • Result

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