Deep Learning/Object Detection

(prerequisite-Fast R-CNN) Truncated SVD

Naranjito 2024. 1. 26. 14:19
  • SVD(Singular Value Decomposition)


A = U Σ V T


It is decomposed the matrix into three matrices when A is an m × n matrix.

Each of the three matrices meets the following conditions.


U :   Orthogonal Matrix   m × m ( A A T = U ( Σ Σ T ) U T )


V :   Orthogonal Matrix   n × n ( A T A = V ( Σ T Σ ) V T )


Σ :   Rectangular Diagonal Matrix   m × n


  • Transposed Matrix


M = [ 1   2 3   4 5   6 ]      
M T = [ 1   3   5 2   4   6 ]        


A matrix that changes rows and columns from the original matrix. 


The symbol T is appended to the right of an existing matrix representation. For example, if an existing matrix is M , the transpose matrix is represented by M T .


  • Identity Matrix(Unit Matrix or Elementary matrix)
I = [ 1   0 0   1 ]         I = [ 1   0   0 0   1   0 0   0   1 ]        


It is the matrix which is n × n square matrix where the diagonal consist of ones and the other elements are all zeros


  • Inverse Matrix


A   ×   A 1 = I [ 1   2   3 4   5   6 7   8   9 ] × [                         ?                       ] = [ 1   0   0 0   1   0 0   0   1 ] If matrix A is multiplied by '?' matrix, and the result is an Identity Matrix, then the '?' matrix is called the Inverse Matrix of A , and we call it A 1 .


A = [ a b c d ] 에 대해 a d b c 0 이면 역행렬 A 1 는 다음과 같이 계산된다. A 1 = 1 a d b c [ d b c a ]


  • Orthogonal matrix


we have a matrix A,



and its transpose matrix A T ,



Now we will do the multiplication of both matrices in the following way,



실수 n × n 행렬 A 에 대해서 A   ×   A T = I 를 만족하면서 A T   ×   A = I 을 만족하는 행렬 A 를 직교 행렬이라고 합니다. 그런데 역행렬의 정의를 다시 생각해보면, 결국 직교 행렬은 A 1 = A T 를 만족합니다.


  • Diagonal Matrix
Σ = [ a     0     0 0     a     0 0     0     a ]


A matrix in which the entries outside the main diagonal are all zero; the term usually refers to square matrices. Elements of the main diagonal can either be zero or nonzero. 


  • Rectangular Diagonal Matrix


The term diagonal matrix may sometimes refer to a rectangular diagonal matrix, which is a m-by-n matrix.

  • When m × n matrix, m > n
Σ = [ a     0     0 0     a     0 0     0     a 0     0     0 ]
  • When m × n matrix, n > m
Σ = [ a     0     0     0 0     a     0     0 0     0     a     0 ]
  • Singular Value


A diagonal element of a diagonal matrix Σ. 

When it expressed as σ1, σ2, σ3・・, the Singular Value σ1, σ2, σ3・・are sorted in descending order.


Σ = [ 12.4     0     0 0     9.5     0 0     0     1.3 ]


  • Full SVD



  • Reduced SVDs


The decomposition of matrix m×n matrix A into SVD (where m>n).


  • Thin SVD



Remove columns of U not corresponding to rows of V*.



  • Compact SVD



Remove vanishing singular values and corresponding columns/rows in U and V*.


Not only elements but also zero singular values are removed.

However, the calculated A becomes the same matrix as the original A.

  • Truncated SVD



Keep only largest t singular values and corresponding columns/rows in U and V*.


Non-zero singular value is also removed, in which case the original A is not preserved, and an approximate matrix A' comes out. The matrix A′ may be used for data compression, noise removal.




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