
typeof, .indexof(), ===, prompt(), <br />, document.write(), for, continue, anonymous function

Naranjito 2021. 1. 6. 16:25
  • typeof : return the data type
> typeof 1
< "number"
> typeof "1"
< "string"



  • .indexOf() : return where is the () index, every index srarts from 0
> 'code'.indexOf('d')
< 2



  • === : strict equallity comparison operator which compares the value and the type, faster than ==, strongly recommendable to use === rather than ==
> 1==="1"
< false
> 1=="1"
< true



  • true : 1, -1, 'some string'
  • false : none 1, ' ', undefined, null 


  • prompt() : get some value from the user. There is an input window here and it has the ability to receive some information from the user
prompt("your name");


  • <br /> : Break line
  • document.write() : a command that the test in parentheses to be printed on the web
  • for(var = ; boolean; repeat condition)
  • continue : it ends only at the moment when if is true
  • anonymous function : function which has no name and it is executed immediately. it used when it called one time
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
        alert('hello world'); //this part is only javascript and all is html content. Because basically javascript running on the browser, therefore html code is basically required.
        alert('hello\nworld');//change the line with \n
        for(var i=0;i<10;i=i+1){//i=i+1 is same as i++
            document.write("hola mundo "+i+"<br />"); //var i=0 means initialization

        function numbering(){
        numbering();//this is a function because there are parentheses, if there are no parentheses, it will be recognized as a variable by javascript

        function get_argument(arg){//arg is parameter, receives the value
            return arg*1000;//output

        alert(get_argument(1));//1 is argument, value itself, input

        (function (){
        })();//anonymous function