- permute
Returns a view of the original tensor input with its dimensions permuted.
It can exchange all dimentions.
torch.randn(2, 3, 5) --> permute(2,0,1) --> 5, 2, 3
x = torch.randn(2, 3, 5)
tensor([[[-1.7663, 1.2394, -0.4237, -2.3218, 0.1908],
[ 1.6466, 0.8089, -2.2276, -0.5936, 2.8272],
[ 0.8317, 0.9335, -1.3993, -0.3371, 1.3174]],
[[ 0.5403, -0.4540, -0.5958, 0.4685, 0.5951],
[ 0.9191, 0.3957, -0.9435, 0.4904, 0.5757],
[-1.2492, 0.4371, 1.1425, 1.4849, 0.6856]]])
tensor([[[-1.7663, 1.6466, 0.8317],
[ 0.5403, 0.9191, -1.2492]],
[[ 1.2394, 0.8089, 0.9335],
[-0.4540, 0.3957, 0.4371]],
[[-0.4237, -2.2276, -1.3993],
[-0.5958, -0.9435, 1.1425]],
[[-2.3218, -0.5936, -0.3371],
[ 0.4685, 0.4904, 1.4849]],
[[ 0.1908, 2.8272, 1.3174],
[ 0.5951, 0.5757, 0.6856]]])
torch.Size([5, 2, 3])
- transpose
It can exchange only two dimensions.
x = torch.randn(2, 3)
tensor([[ 1.0028, -0.9893, 0.5809],
[-0.1669, 0.7299, 0.4942]])
torch.transpose(x, 0, 1)
tensor([[ 1.0028, -0.1669],
[-0.9893, 0.7299],
[ 0.5809, 0.4942]])
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