분류 전체보기 330

match, match_phrase, multi_match, Per-field boosting(^), "type": "phrase", bool

match It performs a full text search. Elasticsearch will look for these terms in the documents as long as all or one of these terms are found within the documents, and the match query will send these results back, it doesn't care about the order or the proximity. So it pulls up documents with search terms that are scatterd across the documents. GET news_headlines/_search { "query": { #I want to ..

Precision, Recall, Term Frequency, TF, Inverse Document Frequency, IDF

Document : Data is stored as document that share similar traits are grouped into an index. User ↓ ⇢ search something Elasticsearch ↓ ⇢ retrieves relevant documents, then Elasticsearch presents them as search results Search Results Precision : The dots inside the white circle, the portion of the retrived data actually relevant to the search query. All the retrived results to be a perfect match to..

Structure of Elasticsearch, Node, Cluster, Document, Shard, Sharding, Primary shard, Replica shard

Customer → Server(1) ↓ ⇢ A customer serches for a product on my app ⇡ The request is sent to the server My shopping mall website(app) ↓↑ ⇢ It connected to a database which contains all my product data along with other data we're collecting from the app Database → Server(2) ↓ ⇡ looks up the product within the database ↓ ⇢ product info is sent back to the server Server(3) ↓ ⇢ product info can be r..