분류 전체보기 330

Linear Regression, Simple Linear Regression, Multiple Linear Regression, MSE, Cost function, Loss function, Objective function, Optimizer, Gradient Descent

Regression A prediction comes out within a range of any continuous value such as weight, age, speed. Linear Regression It is used for finding linear relationship between dependent and one or more predictors. x------>y affect x : affect to y, predictor or independent variable y : subordinated by x, response or dependent variable 1. Simple Linear Regression Presume one x. y=Wx+b W : Weight, gradie..

Machine Learning 2021.03.16

LSA, SVD, Orthogonal matrix, Transposed matrix, Identity matrix, Inverse matrix, Diagonal matrix, Truncated SVD

LSALatent Semantic Analysis, substitute for DTM, TF-IDF(2021.03.10 - [Deep Learning] - BoW, CountVectorizer, fit_transform, vocabulary_, DTM, TDM, TF-IDF, TfidfVectorizer, isnull, fillna, pd.Series) which has not consider meaning of terms. It applies SVD based on DTM, TF-IDF and reduce dimensions, eliciting potential meaning of words.1. SVD Singular Value Decomposition, it refers to the decompos..

Deep Learning 2021.03.11