arguments, function Arguments : An array-like object which accessible inside functions that contains the value of the arguments passed to that function Function : A sort of object, and object has property. If property has function, we can call this property as method. JavaScript 2021.01.11
ajax, closure Ajax : It stands for Asynchronous Javascript And XML. When click some button on the webpage, the webpage does not change. The web browser make request to the server on the background. This is asynchronous process. Closure : It gives tou access to an outer function's scope from an inner function. JavaScript 2021.01.11
global variable, anonymous function attribute : It called attribute within object JavaScript 2021.01.07
global variable, local variable 1. var a // global variable funtion aaa(){ var a // local variable } 2. var a // global variable funtion aaa(){ var a //local variable a // global variable because there is no var 3. var a // global variable funtion aaa(){ var a //local variable alert(a) //it returns local because it calls the nearest one 4. var a // global variable funtion aaa(){ alert(a) //it returns global 5. var a // global .. JavaScript 2021.01.07
.push(), .concat(), .unshift(), .splice, .shift(), .pop(), .reverse() .push() : push some informatino into the array, a commend adds a single value on the tail .concat() : add more than a single value on the tail .unshift() : add value on the start point into the array .splice(index, howmany, element1, ..., elementN) : add value in somewhere in the middle of array. It changes the contents of an array by removing or replacing existing elements and/or adding new ele.. JavaScript 2021.01.07